Meet Steve’s Current Audiologist

As you may know, Steve recently had a pair of LiNX 3D 9s fitted, he hasn’t stopped raving about them since. Steve’s Audiologist has joined the Hearing Know Hearing Aid Centre Network, so we thought it was a good time to introduce him and tell you a bit about him. Meet Kaz.

Kaz Shiraz, hearing aids High Wycombe

Or to give him his full and proper title, Mr Kaz Shiraz – BSc (Hons), RHAD, BAA. Kaz is a qualified Audiologist, graduating in 2009 from the BSc Audiology course at Aston University. His on the job training was undertaken primarily at Wycombe General Hospital, Amersham Hospital & Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Clinical Research Post

On graduating Kaz worked as a Clinical Research Associate for MED-EL in Innsbruck, Austria, who specialise in cochlear implants and middle ear implants. After that he began to work for one of the big hearing aid manufacturers as a Technical Support Audiologist, supporting audiologist and hearing aid users with the troubleshooting/technical advice and training to achieve effective outcomes.

He soon progressed to Product Manager and Head of Technical Support for the UK operations and he was involved in bringing new and innovative solutions to the market. However, he had the bug that many of us have and yearned to go back to dealing direct with people with hearing loss. He started his own independent business offering hearing care services from assessment, fitting & rehabilitation to ear care services offering wax removal. 

Fitting Steve

This is where he met Steve, if you have read the LiNX 3D 9 review by Steve you will know he is pretty happy with the hearing aids. Steve hasn’t covered the process to reach that success and we both know that even the best hearing aids are only good as the person who fitted them. Kaz looked after Steve well, taking time to understand what he needed and when.

Steve’s residual hearing is limited so Kaz had to make the hearing aids dance within a narrow window of residual hearing. The max power output for some sounds was initially a problem but they soon worked out the comfortable loudness level for Steve to normalise loud sounds without causing irritation. All in all it was pretty skilled work, although I am sure Kaz doesn’t need me to tell him that. 

So, if you are looking for a good audiologist and you are in the market for hearing aids in High Wycombe, Kaz Shiraz is probably a great place to start. 

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