Meet The New Widex Custom Model

Widex recently introduced a brand new in the ear model range that they are simply calling the Custom. It is a departure for Widex, offering a powerful but discreet in the ear hearing aid model with a programme button and volume control for the first time, in a long time. Let’s take a look at the new model. 

Widex Custom Models

New Design

The model is completely re-designed, it has a new battery door aspect which is similar to their CIC. Brand new amplifier design, microphone design and receiver design. It all adds up to a smaller, neater device than the existing XP. The device is available in two levels of power using two receivers, the P (which is the most powerful) and the M receiver. They cover losses from Minimal down to severe. 

Wireless Hearing Aids

The custom is a wireless hearing aid model, which means that it can be connected to all of the existing wireless accessories from Widex. It also means that it will have the full Widex feature set including all of the inter-ear features at each level. 

A Host Of Options

The new model is not a replacement for the XP, it is to sit side by side with it in the lineup. The new model does not come equipped with a telecoil, however, it offers a host of options, you can have it completely automatic, or with a mix of programme buttons and volume control. Widex hasn’t offered these options on their XP since the Mind range. The introduction of the Clear and the wireless chip ensured that they could no longer put either on the XP. 

Better Control

Better physical options on Widex Custom

Widex now uses an intelligent programme button which means it is multi-functional depending on the length of the press. On the Custom, it can mean that devices with programme buttons will offer manual programme changes with a long press, and a volume up or down with a short press. They have defaulted this to Volume Up with a short press on the right aid, and Volume Down with a short press on the left aid. 

I like this type of thinking, it means that you have good control over your hearing aids even without a remote control. Remote controls are great, and the Widex RC Dex is a fantastic little remote. It is light, small and easy to carry. However, it is better to have physical controls on the aids for the time when the battery runs out or you just forget the remote. 

The introduction of the hearing aid model gives people more choices. Even though the device is powered by a 312, it is also pretty discreet. That’s got to be seen as a good thing, it means longer battery life in a relatively discreet package. It is also well past time that Widex offered manual controls on their custom hearing aids, so I am glad to see it happen now. 

As far as I know, the devices are now available for order. 

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